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Any Other / Upload on Tour 2024

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Data: Ven. 29 novembre 2024
Dove: Smart Lab, Viale Trento 47/48, Rovereto (Tn)
Orario: ore 21.00
Note: ingresso libero
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Any Other (alternative/indie) / Opening act with Upload bands: Bianca, Light Whales, Vera Gsenger.

Any Other is a multi-instrumentalist and producer from Milan, active in the Italian and international music scenes. She has released three albums: "Silently. Quietly. Going Away" (2015), "Two, Geography" (2018) and "stillness, stop: you have a right to remember" (2024), and two EPs. With over 200 concerts abroad, she has played festivals like Primavera Sound, The Great Escape, Reeperbahn, and Eurosonic, and performed in Southeast Asia and Japan.
She composed the soundtrack for Internazionale's podcast "Limoni" about the G8 in Genoa, resulting in her solo work "Tentativo." A member of MYSS KETA's Ragazze di Porta Venezia, she was selected for KeyChange2020. Since 2017, she has collaborated with Colapesce's Infedele Orchestra and toured with Colapesce and Dimartino, also playing with Marco Giudici, Yabai, Queer Macete, Andrea Poggio, and in the jazz trio Cau/Emmi/Fenu for the album "Pororoca."

Comunicato stampa:
L'Upload on Tour fa tappa a Rovereto con l'indie-rock di Any Other

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